The purpose of the Death March Kickstarter was to raise money to commission gorgeous interior artwork for the first novel in my upcoming fantasy trilogy, as well as produce a hardcover version.
Latest Updates from Our Project:
We did it!
over 6 years ago
– Tue, May 22, 2018 at 06:11:38 PM
I wasn't sure if we'd reach Stretch Goal #4, but at the very last moment a number of you came through, either raising the amount of your pledges or jumping on board for the first time, allowing us to blow right past the $13,000 mark. Amazing!
Thank you everyone for making this happen. When I launched this Kickstarter I had no idea if it would prove appealing, and your support and enthusiasm has truly humbled me.
Now we're going to swing into the second phase of the Kickstarter, and I plan to keep you updated each step of the way. Once I saw that the KS was going to be successful I asked Ben Juniu to get cracking on the interior art, and he's already finished the first two pieces for Book 1. He's hoping to have all five pieces of interior art done by June 22, at which point I'll be able to send them to my Ampersand Book Interiors to complete the design for paperback, hardcover, and ebook.
I don't want you guys to have to wait until then to read the story. As such, I'm going to make the plain ebook available for download as soon as I finish importing everyone's data into BackerKit and you guys complete your surveys. Thus, if you're itching to just read the damn thing and find out what happens to Chris in Euphoria you'll be able to crack the book open and read it right away, then download the art version later next month.
You'll also be able to download the six ebooks from Stretch Goal #4 via the BackerKit Portal, so hold on tight because a lot of good fantasy literature is coming your way :)
Here's a quick summary of where we are with every element in the process:
Andreas is finishing the cover for Nightmare Keep, and I should have something to show you by the end of the week
Ben is halfway done with Book 1's interior art, and should have all five pieces done by June 22
Ampersand Book Interiors is giving all three books the 'custom' treatment, adding unique chapter heading art, etc, and is waiting for the interior art so that I can send the files to print in paperback and hardcover format
Books 1 and 2 have already been recorded in audio format by Vikas Adam.
I'm adding two small scenes to Book 3 per the excellent advice of my final beta reader (this is post-copy edit already), and then will be sending Book 3 to Audible and Ampersand Book Interiors.
I've received my postage label printer and scale and have already spoke with the post office about how this is all going to work, so am growing tentatively more confident on that front!
It's going to be a really busy next few weeks, but the fact that I'm leaping into action and the rest of my team has so much work to do is because you guys had faith in my vision and a desire to be part of this adventure.
Thank you for your support, thank you for your faith in this project, and please don't hesitate to reach out with questions at any time!
How to get copies of Book 2 and Book 3, hardcover or otherwise
over 6 years ago
– Thu, May 17, 2018 at 06:33:36 PM
Hey everyone,
I've had numerous backers ask me about how they can acquire copies of Books 2 and 3. When I launched this Kickstarter I wasn't sure what level of interest to expect, but now that it's clear folks are plenty interested in getting the entire tale I've decided to offer a variety of 'Add-ons' so that you can grab those other copies.
What is an Add-On?
It's simple. An Add On is an additional amount beyond your pledge level that you commit to the Kickstarter so as to acquire extra items. Say you want the hardcover versions of Books 2 and 3. You would 'add on' the cost of those two extra hardcovers to your pledge.
How do Add-Ons work?
First you add up the cost of the items you would like to acquire, and then you increase your pledge by that amount. When the Kickstarter finishes, you'll get access to the BackerKit Portal where you can then distribute the extra pledge money to those add-on items.
Can I select Add-Ons after the KS funds?
Absolutely. You can select as many items as you'd like from within the BackerKit Portal, and then pay from them there with a credit card.
What if I change my mind after pledging extra?
No worries! BackerKit will charge you for what you want, and any overpayments will be refunded.
When will Books 2 & 3 be available?
The books themselves are finished. I'm now waiting on Ben to create the interior art, and for Andreas to finalize the covers. Ben is going to finish the first set of five pieces for Book 1 by early June, and will then proceed to the artwork for Book 2. As soon as he finishes each set, I'll insert them in the ebooks and send them out, as well as sending the paperbacks and hardcovers off to print.
If I had to guess, I'd estimate that Book 1's art will be finished by June, Book 2 the end of July, and Book 3 by September. This is of course dependent on Ben's creative speed, so hard to be precise about.
So! What can I get?
Here's a handy-dandy chart summarizing the different items you can grab. Note that I'm having to charge a little bit extra for shipping in the US for additional physical items, as the weight starts to add up beyond the first book.
Say you've pledged at the Digital Delight level, and want copies of the remaining two ebooks. You're in for $10, and need raise your pledge level to $30 total. Since there are no shipping fees, at check-out you'll simply select the additional two ebooks and be set.
Perhaps you've instead pledged at the Hardcore + Digital level for $35. You want the other two hardcovers and live within the US. Each extra hardcover is $25 + $5 shipping, for a total of $30 each. That amounts to $35+$30+$30 for a total pledge level of $95. Again, once you enter the BackerKit Portal you'll simply select the two hardcovers you want, enter your address for shipping purposes, and have your $90 pledge level applied to the total.
Guys, I'll be honest with you: shipping it a bit of a nightmare, especially for someone like me who tends to avoid the post office and usually only sends emails. I've purchased a $170 shipping label printer and a $20 scale to help me handle this bulk, but it's still going to be a bit of a headache to figure out exactly what everybody owes depending on where they live in the world.
For US shipping, I've decided to avoid shipping fees altogether for pledge level items, and only charge $5/physical item beyond pledge level to keep things simple.
International is tough, however, and I know those shipping costs can be daunting. Let me just say for the record that I have no intention of making any money from the shipping fees, and any overpayment in that area will be refunded to you once I send your package. Shipping books across the world is simply that expensive, and as much as I wish it wasn't there's nothing I can do about that cost.
What is BackerKit?
When the Kickstarter funds and the dust settles your pledge info will be transferred over to a platform called BackerKit, a software program that streamlines and facilitates the handling of fulfillment, information gathering, distribution and shipping. You'll get a login for your own private portal from which you can do the following:
Enter your shipping address or change it
Download digital rewards like the ebook
Answer your Kickstarter survey
Shop in the pre-order store for Add-Ons.
That last one is where you'll distribute extra pledge funds to acquire the items you want from the Add-on menu. You'll see an a la carte list of all available items and apply your extra funds to whichever you select.
In summary (phew)
This Kickstarter has blown my socks off. Your support and enthusiasm has been truly humbling and invigorating both, and I can't wait to get these books in your hands so as to be able to hear your feedback. These add-ons are a great way to make sure you get exactly what you want, and please don't hesitate to message me with any questions you might have.
New Book Blogger Review: "Highly addictive, imaginative, and entertaining."
over 6 years ago
– Thu, May 17, 2018 at 01:38:16 AM
A quick item for you guys tonight:
Death March has received a stellar review from Adam Weller over on the Fantasy Book Review blog:
I encourage you to head on over to the blog to read the review in its entirety - it's a great read ;)
Stretch Goal #3 Unlocked!
over 6 years ago
– Tue, May 15, 2018 at 05:33:34 PM
We did it! This morning we crossed the $10,000 mark, simultaneously exceeding my expectations and unlocking Stretch Goal #4:
Thank you everyone for the support, and with 6 days left to go I'd love to hit the $13,000 mark to send that ebook bundle your way. Just a reminder that everyone who has donated at the $8/$10 tier will receive the $25+ valued bundle.
These novels are:
Dyrk Ashton's Paternus
Davis Ashura's William Wilde and the Necrosed
AC Cobble's Benjamin Ashwood
David Estes' Fatemarked
Ben Galley's Blood Rush
Jeramy Goble's Coven Queen
So if you've got any rpg loving friends or fans of fantasy literature, give them a shout and tell them to check out this Kickstarter!
The cover for Book 2 is nearly finished. I hope to be able to share it with you guys here before the Kickstarter ends. Trust me: it's looking fantastic.
I just got off the phone with narrator Vikas Adam. He's going to be recording Book 1 this week and Book 2 next week. Book 3 will have to wait till mid-June, but everything's moving along.
Layout for the paperbacks and hardcovers is nearly finished. I'm hoping to order these as quickly as possible once the Kickstarter ends to get them into your hands asap.
Ben Juniu is already hard at work at the interior art for Book 1. Updates coming soon!
299 Backers!
over 6 years ago
– Mon, May 14, 2018 at 07:27:24 PM
Free audiobook for 300th backer!
Just a quick update that we're about to hit 300 backers and my mind is blown. When I launched this project I never thought it would receive this kind of support. Thank you.
To celebrate, the 300th backer will receive a free audiobook code in addition to whatever else they choose to back. So if you know someone that's on the fence, give them a nudge so that they can claim this upgrade!
I've received a lot of support from the Kickstarter community in general, and as a way of saying thank you and giving back I'd like to highlight another project that's absolutely killing it: The Black Void RPG.
BLACK VOID is a dark fantasy tabletop roleplaying game revolving around the fall and subsequent resurgence of humanity after cataclysmic events have torn them from Earth. Pursuing power, prestige and enlightenment - humanity is struggling to find a new place and purpose in a vast and unfamiliar cosmos. Players can focus on the personal struggles and stories of their characters or expand their scope putting emphasis on the fate of humanity as a species and the part they play in this.
* No copyright is claimed in the content included in the video above and to the extent that material may appear to be infringed, I assert that such alleged infringement is permissible under fair use principles in U.S. copyright laws. If you believe material has been used in an unauthorized manner, please contact me.