The purpose of the Death March Kickstarter was to raise money to commission gorgeous interior artwork for the first novel in my upcoming fantasy trilogy, as well as produce a hardcover version.
Latest Updates from Our Project:
over 6 years ago
– Sat, Sep 29, 2018 at 07:50:41 PM
A number of shipments have arrived all at once, and now my office is overflowing with officious looking cardboard boxes. Feast your eyes on these!
And even more excitingly... *drum roll*
I'm going to be working feverishly now to package and send these out to everyone over the next few days. I'm also going to sign every copy as a thank you for everyone's patience.
And - well. Let me just say that it was a genuine thrill to hold a hardcover version of one of my books for the first time. To actually feel that heft and solidity. An amazing feeling.
Thank you everyone again for your support. You guys made this possible. You guys helped me achieve a dream that I always thought would be beyond my reach.
What an amazing day.
over 6 years ago
– Thu, Sep 13, 2018 at 10:16:56 AM
This post is for backers only. Please visit and log in to read.
Cool fantasy Kickstarter project you should check out
over 6 years ago
– Mon, Sep 03, 2018 at 04:37:46 PM
Hey everyone,
Fellow fantasy author Jeramy Goble just launched a Kickstarter for the first book in a series a reader of his summed up as "Assassin's Creed meets Boondock Saints." The book explores the Bronze Age origins of Briz and Bayla, two immortal bounty hunters whose violent and crazy adventures through history are detailed throughout the series.
Head on over to his page here to check out his novel!
Paperbacks en route
over 6 years ago
– Mon, Aug 13, 2018 at 03:11:20 PM
Hey everyone,
Quick update here. The paperback for Death March has been proofed, approved, and finally arrived in bulk.
You're going to love these - they're absolutely beautiful, and as a way of apologizing for the delay in the process I'm going to sign each copy before mailing it out to you guys.
The hardcover proofs are en route as well, and as soon as I sign off on those I'll be ordering the bulk amount and sending them your way.
This process has easily taken a month longer than expected due to my desire to send you guys a perfect book. The process of uploading, modifying, approving, and ordering has been slower as a result, but Book 2 has now received all the art work from Ben Juniu and it's being finalized as I type this.
Also, all the audiobook reward codes have been sent out. If you didn't receive yours, check your spam folder or drop me a line.
OK, time to get back to signing these guys.
Death March is LIVE on Amazon!
over 6 years ago
– Tue, Aug 07, 2018 at 03:34:37 PM
Dear friends,
The day's finally arrived, and Death March has launched, complete with audiobook and paperback on Amazon/Kindle Unlimited.
Thanks everyone again for your support - I'd not be launching such a gorgeous novel if it weren't for your faith in this project and your enthusiasm. Cheers.
If you've enjoyed the book, could you write a review? Social proof as it's called does more to help a launch than anything else, and even a quick one line would be hugely appreciated.